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All therapists verified by emote Care

We know what it's like

The search for therapy can be overwhelming – jumping from site to site, it's hard to know if you're really making progress.

Therapists face battles too, with restrictive rules and countless profiles to keep track of.

emote Care was born out of this pain. We're from the mental health world ourselves, and we wanted to create a place that takes away these headaches.

How connections are made on emote Care

Before therapists are listed on emote Care, our team closely verifies their qualifications and industry memberships, assuring you access to accredited professionals.
Clients and therapists discover each other through sensitive algorithms based on their backgrounds and what truly matters to them.
Once matched, clients and therapists can have meaningful audio/video sessions right on the platform, without needing extra apps or setups.
Therapists leverage our intuitive tools for deeper client understanding, while clients monitor their progress with our user-friendly platform.

Ease into therapy with emote Care

Discover genuine connections

Find a therapist who really gets you and a platform that supports you on your wellbeing journey.


Upcoming perks

Access tools


Use whiteboarding, mood trackers and exercise worksheets to simplify, enrich and empower your therapy experience.

Visual progress tracking


Stay motivated and connected with your progress with visual milestones and animations.

Pay it forward


A percentage of each emote Care session fee goes into our altruism vault. In collaboration with partnerships with charities, we will help someone unable to afford care access therapy on our platform. You're not just healing yourself; you're extending a helping hand to someone else.

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Every step of progress counts

We may not have all the answers. Who does?
But we offer you the right space and tools to explore your therapy path — from major milestones to those days when just getting out of bed feels like a win.

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